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  • U

    The uracil residue in RNA.
  • U Descriptor

    Measured or specified concentration, in particles per cubic meter of air, including the ultrafine particles. ISO 14644-1, ISO 14644-3.NOTE: The U descriptor may be regarded as an upper limit for the averages at sampling locations (or as an upper confidence limit, depending upon the number of sampling locations used to characterize the cleanroom or clean zone). U descriptors cannot be used to define airborne particulate cleanliness classes, but they may be quoted independently or in conjunction with airborne particulate cleanliness classes.
  • UAF

    Unidirectional Air Flow
  • UAT

    User Acceptance Testing
  • UAT

    Unloading Accumulation Table
  • UAT Summary Report

    A summary comprised of the critical testing results, actions and related conclusionsthat are generated during the testing process.
  • UBC

    Unrestricted Binary Code
  • UBC

    Uniform Building Code
  • UC

    Underpinning Contract
  • UDAF

    Unidirectional Airflow
  • UEL (Upper Explosive Limit)

  • UF

  • UF

  • UFAS

    Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
  • UFC

    Composite Uncertainty Factor
  • UFH

    Unidirectional Flow Hood

    Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene
  • UK

    United Kingdom
  • UL

    Underwriters Laboratories (Insurance Underwriters)

    Ultra Low-Density Polyethylene
  • ULPA

    Ultra Low Penetration Air filters
  • Ultra filtration

    Filter technology similar to reverse osmosis that is capable of filtering colloids and large molecular weight organics out of the water. The filter capability of ultrafiltration filters to 0.005 µm particle size. Ultrafiltration also will remove organic material down to about 1,000 10, 000 molecular weight.
  • Ultra Low Penetration Air (ULPA) Filters

    Extended media dry filters in a rigid frame that have a minimum particle-collection efficiency of 99.999% for particles greater than or equal to 0.12 µm in size.
  • Ultracentrifugation

    The separation of macromolecules on the basis of their density and shape using the gravitational field generated in a high-speed centrifuge. It is used in rDNA work for the separation of RNA and DNA, and for purification of plasmids.
  • Ultrafiltration

    That is capable of filtering and large molecular weight organics out of the water. The particle size capability of ultrafiltration filters is to 0.005 microns.